Guides about Germany
Newest guides
How to read your Zusatzblatt
This guide helps you understand the Zusatzblatt that you received with your German residence permit.
How the Berlin immigration office works
How the Berlin Landesamt für Einwanderung works. This guide explains how to get an appointment, apply for a residence permit, and more.
Berlin Ausländerbehörde wait times
See how long it takes to get a residence permit at the Berlin immigration office (Landesamt für Einwanderung).
How to get key doubles in Germany
This is how you make copies of your apartment keys for cheap.
How to apply for German permanent residence
The process and the requirements to get a Niederlassungserlaubnis and become a permanent resident.
How to get a Bescheinigung in Steuersachen
This is how you get an certificate of tax matters or Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung from the Finanzamt. You might need it for your residence permit or permanent residence.
How educational leave works (Bildungsurlaub)
How to take a paid vacation to improve your education in Berlin. It's also called "Bildungszeit".
How banking works in Germany
An introduction to banking, credit cards, savings and bank accounts in Germany.
Common housing scams in Germany
Apartment scams you must know about when looking for a place to live in Germany.
How to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases in Berlin
This is how you get tested for HIV, herpes, chlamydia and other STDs in Berlin.
Recent updates
How to get a Bürgeramt appointment in Berlin
This is how you get an appointment at the citizens' office in Berlin. This is required for the Anmeldung and many other services.
Berlin travel guide: what to see, do and eat in Berlin
If you are visiting Berlin, these are the things you should see and do, and the things you should know.
How to find your German tax ID, tax number or VAT number
A brief guide to obtaining or finding your tax identification number in Germany
How to get a free Schufa
If you are applying for an apartment in Berlin, you will almost always be asked to include a Schufa in your application. This is how you obtain a Schufa-Auskunft for free
How to apply for German permanent residence
The process and the requirements to get a Niederlassungserlaubnis and become a permanent resident.
How to change your address in Germany
This guide explains how to change your address and redirect your mail.
How to learn German in Berlin
A list of German schools, language learning apps and other resources to improve your German in Berlin.
How to buy a Deutschland Ticket
This guide explains how the Deutschland Ticket or D-Ticket works as a tourist or as a resident.
How to get a German pension refund
If you left Germany, you get your German pension payments back. It can be worth thousands of euros.
How to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases in Berlin
This is how you get tested for HIV, herpes, chlamydia and other STDs in Berlin.