How to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases in Berlin

This guide explains how to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases in Berlin. Sexually transmitted diseases are also called STD, STI, sexuell übertragbare Infektionen or Geschlechtskrankheiten.

How hard is it to get tested

It’s easy if you know where to go. There are many ways to get tested. You might need an appointment.

Where to get tested in Berlin

  • At any medical clinic
    Medical clinics can test for HIV and other STIs. You can ask your general practitioner (Hausarzt), but they might not know how to do STI testing. Urologists and gynaecologists usually offer HIV and STI tests.
  • At home
    s.a.m. health sells home tests for HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia. It costs 75€ the first time, then 59€.1
  • Zentrum für sexuelle Gesundheit of the Gesundheitsamt (English, German, other languages)
    HIV tests for 10€. If you have a low income, it’s free.2 They don’t have general STI tests. There are 4 locations in Berlin. They speak English.3
  • Berlin Aids-Hilfe (German, other languages)
    General STI test for 25€. HIV test for 10€.
  • Praxis Prenzlauer Berg (German)
    HIV test for 20€. Other tests available. They accept public and private health insurance.7
  • Checkpoint (German, English, other languages)
    HIV and other STI tests for LGBTQ+ people. Tests cost between 5€ and 25€.
  • Mann-o-meter (German)
    HIV and other STI tests for LGBTQ+ people. Complete test for 15€.

More testing options –

How much does a test cost?

If the test is not covered by your health insurance, it costs between 10€ and 60. Complete tests cost more. If you have a low income, you can get tested for free at the Gesundheitsamt.

Does German health insurance cover STI tests?

Sometimes. If you have symptoms, the test is usually covered. Routine tests are rarely covered.

  • If you have public health insurance
    Public health insurance only pays for the test if you have symptoms, or a good reason to think you are infected.4 It does not pay for routine tests. Women under 26 years old can get one free Chlamydia test per year.5 Some people lie to get the test covered by their health insurance.6
  • If you have private health insurance
    Some private health insurances pay for STI tests. You pay for the test yourself, and your insurance sometimes reimburse you. It depends on the insurance policy. Ask your private health insurer.
  • If you have travel or expat insurance
    STI tests are almost never covered. Some insurances like April and aLC include a 300€ per year budget for tests and check-ups.

Need help?

  • Counselling Center for Sexual Health – Gesundheitsamt
    Free counselling in many languages.
Sources and footnotes





  6. Doctor at a sexual health clinic (2021) 

  7. Praxis Prenzlauer Berg