How the Berlin immigration office works

This is a guide for the Landesamt für Einwanderung, the immigration office in Berlin. To apply for a residence permit, read my residence permit guide instead.

How to apply for a residence permit

How to contact the Aus­län­der­be­hör­de

Apply for a residence permit

Some residence permits have their own application form. Use that form to apply.

See the full list

If your residence permit is not in this list, send your application through the contact form.

Use the contact form

To contact the Ausländerbehörde, or to apply for a residence permit that is not in this list, you must…

  1. Find your department
  2. Use the contact form
    Find your department’s contact form. Write in German. If you don’t speak German, use Deepl. If it’s urgent, use the emergency form. Your message must include…
  3. Attach your documents
    Add your application documents to your message. Complete applications are processed faster.9 You can only upload 5 small files. Use PDF files or photos, nothing else. If you have too many documents, merge them and make them smaller. If you still have too many documents, mail them.
  4. Send your message
    If you get an error (Anti-Spam-Schutz), it’s because you took too long to send your message. Click the back button, and send it again. After you send the message, click Zusammenfassung ausdrucken to print the confirmation message. This is a proof of your residence permit application. You might not get a confirmation email.8
  5. Wait for a response
    They reply very slowly. If you wait more than 3 months, you can sue the Ausländerbehörde. If your visa or resident permit expires, it’s usually extended until the Ausländerbehörde processes your application. Sometimes, you can’t reply to their emails directly, so you must use the contact form again.

What happens next?

Other contact options

You can contact the Ausländerbehörde by registered mail, but it’s not better or faster.6 You can’t call or fax them.10

Address your letter to the correct department, at the correct address: Friedrich-Krause-Ufer or Keplerstraße.

How to mail a letter


If it’s urgent, choose the Eiliger Termin/Notfall category in the contact form.1

How to choose the emergency appointment option on the LEA contact form


In Berlin, there are 3 immigration office locations. Choose the correct one.


The Berlin immigration office has multiple departments. Send your application to the correct one.

  • B1, B2, B3, B4
    For skilled workers, students, researchers and their family. They handle Blue Cards, work visas, student visas and more.
  • Business Immigration Service (BIS)
    For skilled workers and their family. They handle Blue Cards and work visas. They work faster than other departments.
  • E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6
    For everyone else. They handle permanent residence, freelance visas, and everything else. Choose the department that is responsible for your country.
  • S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6
    For citizenship applications. Choose the department that is responsible for your country.

List of departments

How to get an appointment

To visit the Ausländerbehörde, you need an appointment. If you go without an appointment, they will not help you.3

You can’t book an appointment yourself.2 You must apply for a residence permit or use their contact form. They decide when they give you an appointment. They can take weeks or months to reply.

Wait times

It usually takes a few months to get a residence permit in Berlin. The wait times vary by department and residence permit type.

Ausländerbehörde wait times

Usually, you can’t work or study before you get your residence permit. It might be cheaper to apply in your home country. You can move to Berlin after you get permission to work or study. You don’t need to wait in Berlin without an income.

How to apply in your country

Payment methods

At the Ausländerbehörde, you can pay with Visa, Mastercard, cash or Girocard.4

When you apply for a residence permit online, you sometimes need to pay in advance, during your application. You can pay with Visa, Mastercard or PayPal. You can’t pay with cash or Girocard.5

How to pay

At the end of your appointment, you get a plastic payment card (Kassenkarte). Bring it to a payment machine (Kassenautomat). Follow the signs to find it. These machines accept cash, EC cards, Visa and Mastercard.4 If your card is not accepted, get cash from an ATM.

Ausländerbehörde Kassenautomat
Ausländerbehörde Kassenautomat
Payment machines at the Ausländerbehörde

After you paid, you can go home. You don’t need to go back to your case worker. The fee is tax-deductible, so keep the receipt.

Sue the Aus­län­der­be­hör­de

The Ausländerbehörde has 3 months to process your application. If you wait longer, you can sue them.11 This costs a few hundred euros.

First, your lawyer sends a scary letter to the Ausländerbehörde. The Ausländerbehörde wants to avoid a lawsuit, so they process your application faster.

If the scary letter does not work, you can sue the Ausländerbehörde. The legal system is slow, so a lawsuit can take months or years. If you win, the Ausländerbehörde must pay for your legal fees. Usually, the Ausländerbehörde reacts before your case goes to court, so you must pay your own legal fees.12

In other words, pay a few hundred euros, and things sometimes go faster. A lawyer can pressure the Ausländerbehörde, but they can’t help you skip the queue.13

In other cities, threatening to sue the Ausländerbehörde can make things worse. The Ausländerbehörde can become very strict, ask for more documents, and make your application even slower.14

Find an immigration lawyer

Fiona Macdonald is an immigration lawyer. She has experience with suing the Ausländerbehörde, and she speaks English.

Need help?

The immigration office does not give immigration advice. An immigration lawyer or a relocation consultant can answer your questions. Some organisations can also help you for free.

Where to ask immigration questions

Sources and footnotes
  1. (December 2024) 

  2. (August 2024) 

  3. (December 2024) 

  4. (December 2024) 

  5. (December 2024) 

  6. Fiona Macdonald, immigration lawyer (August 2023) 

  7. Fiona Macdonald, immigration lawyer (August 2023) 

  8. Twitter (December 2023) 

  9. Fiona Macdonald, immigration lawyer (August 2023) 

  10. (September 2023), Facebook (2023), Facebook (2023), Facebook (2023) 

  11. This is called an Untätigkeitsklage nach § 75 VwGO.,,, Red Tape Translation 

  12. Fiona Macdonald, immigration lawyer (December 2023) 

  13. Fiona Macdonald, immigration lawyer (December 2024) 

  14. Fiona Macdonald, immigration lawyer (December 2023)