Guides for beating German bureaucracy
How to get a Bürgeramt appointment in Berlin
This is how you get an appointment at the citizens' office in Berlin. This is required for the Anmeldung and many other services.
How the Berlin immigration office works
How the Berlin Landesamt für Einwanderung works. This guide explains how to get an appointment, apply for a residence permit, and more.
How taxes work in Germany
Information about income tax, health insurance and other German taxes, and ways to pay less taxes.
How to find your German tax ID, tax number or VAT number
A brief guide to obtaining or finding your tax identification number in Germany
How to find your Sozialversicherungsnummer
This is how you find you German social insurance number or social security number. It's also called Versicherungsnummer, Rentenversicherungsnummer or RNVR.
How to get a Meldebescheinigung or Anmeldebestätigung
This is how you get a Meldebescheinigung - a copy of your Anmeldebestätigung - in Berlin.
Where to get passport photos in Berlin
Getting biometric pictures taken for passports, visas and drivers' licences is quite simple in Berlin. Here's how it's done.