How to find your German tax ID, tax number or VAT number

German residents have different tax identification numbers. This guide explains what they are, and where to find them.

The tax ID (Steuer-ID)

This is your unique, permanent tax identification number. Every German resident has a tax ID. The Finanzamt uses this number to identify you. It has the format “12 345 678 901”. The tax ID is permanent; it never changes.

The tax ID is also called Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer, Persönliche Identifikationsnummer, Identifikationsnummer, Steuer-IdNr., IdNr or Steuer-ID.

Why you need a tax ID

Your employer needs your tax ID to calculate your salary tax. You do not need a tax ID to start working, but you need one to pay the right amount of salary tax. If you don’t have a tax ID, your employer puts you in tax class 6, and you pay more salary tax.1 You will get that money back later, either on future paycheck, or when you file a tax return.2

If you have children, you need their tax ID to apply for child benefits (Kindergeld), and to get a Kitagutschein.

You also need a tax ID to start a business.

How to get your tax ID

You get a tax ID when you register your address for the first time. 2 to 6 weeks later, you get a letter from the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern. Your tax ID is in the top right corner.

Bundeszentralamt Für Steuern Zuteilung Identifikationsnummer

If you registered your address before, you already have a tax ID. You just need to find it.

If you can’t register your address, fill this form. You will get your tax ID by post 2 to 6 weeks later.

There is no way to get your tax ID faster. You can’t go to the Finanzamt just after your Anmeldung. You must wait for the letter. If you don’t get a letter after 6 weeks, go to your local Finanzamt with your passport, and ask for your tax ID.3 You don’t need an appointment.

Where to find your tax ID

If you already have a tax ID, you can find it here:

If you lost your tax ID, there are 2 ways to find it:

  • Go to your local Finanzamt with your passport, and ask for your tax ID.3 You don’t need an appointment.
  • Fill this form, and the Finanzamt will send you a letter with your tax ID. It around 4 weeks, sometimes longer. They will send it to the address you registered, not anywhere else.

The tax number (Steuernummer)

The Steuernummer is for freelancers and businesses. It’s a 10 or 11 digit number, and has the format “12/345/67890”. It’s sometimes written as “3012034567890” (the first two digits are the number of your Bundesland4). It’s also called Steuer-Identnummer or St-Nr.

How to get a Steuernummer

You get a Steuernummer when you register your business with the Finanzamt. You get it by post, 2 to 6 weeks later.7 If it takes longer, ask your local Finanzamt on the phone or in person.

The Steuernummer is unique, but not permanent. If you move your business to another Finanzamt’s area, you will get a new Steuernummer.5

When you get your Steuernummer, you must put it in your Impressum, and on your invoices to German customers.

Where to find your Steuernummer

If you have a Steuernummer, you can find it here:

Where to find a business’ tax number

You can usually find a business’ Steuernummer on their website (in their Impressum), and on their invoices.6

The VAT number (Umsatzsteuer-Id)

The Umsatzsteuer-ID is the German VAT number. It’s a 9 digit number with the format “DE123456789”. It’s also called Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer, USt-Identifikationsnummer or USt-IdNr.

The tax VAT number is for businesses that charge VAT. You need a VAT number to invoice customers in other EU countries.

How VAT works in Germany

How to get a German VAT number

You get a VAT number when you register your business with the Finanzamt. If you already registered your business, request a VAT number here.

A small business (Kleinunternehmer) that does not charge VAT might not have a VAT number.

When you get your VAT number, you must put it in your Impressum, and on your invoices to EU customers.

Where to find a business’ VAT number

You can usually find a business’ VAT number on their website (in their Impressum), and on their invoices.6

You can check if a VAT number is valid, but it will not give you information about the business.

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Sources and footnotes
  1.,,, Wikipedia, 



  4. Wikipedia, 



  7. Screenshot