German tax ID application form

Normally, you get a tax ID after you register your address for the first time. If you can’t register your address, but you still need a tax ID, fill this form and send it to the Finanzamt.

This form is not reliable. You might not receive your tax ID. It might be sent to your address in another country. It might be sent to your employer.

If you already did your Anmeldung, you don’t need this form. You can wait for your tax ID or request it again.

How to get a tax ID

Download the form

The original form is on the BZSt website.

Who should fill this form

People who need a tax ID, but can’t register their address:

  • If you work in Germany, but do not live in Germany.
  • If you live in Germany, but do not have a fixed address.
  • If you live in Germany, but can’t register your address.

How to fill this form

Download the form in English. In the last section, you can choose to send your tax ID to yourself, or directly to your employer.

If you fill this form because you can’t register your current address:

  • Derzeitiger Aufenthalt in Deutschland
    Tick “ja”.
  • Grund für die Vergabe der IdNr.
    In the Sonstiger Grund field, write “Anmeldung zurzeit nicht möglich”. If you are an employee, tick Arbeitnehmer.
  • Zweck
    If you are an employee, tick Lohnsteuerabzug. If you want to start a business, write “bevorstehende Gewerbeanmeldung” in the Sonstiger Zweck field.
  • Anschrift in Deutschland
    If you don’t have an address in Germany, write “nicht vorhanden” (not available) or “noch nicht bekannt” (not known yet).3

Where to send this form

If you are an employee, send it to your employer’s local Finanzamt. If not, send it to your local Finanzamt.1

Include a copy of your passport or Personalausweis with the form. You can use a Personalausweis from another EU country.

Find your local Finanzamt

What happens next?

2 to 6 weeks later, you will get a tax ID by post. It will come in a letter from the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern (BZSt).

It might be sent to your address in another country, even if you also gave an address in Germany.2

Sources and footnotes
  1. Screenshot, Screenshot 

  2. Multiple readers (March to October 2023) 

  3. Finanzamt (July 2024)