Why are there two kinds of Netto in Germany?

In Germany, there are two kinds of Netto supermarkets. They have the same name, but a different logo. They are different supermarket chains.

Netto with the dog

Netto ApS & Co. KG has around 350 branches in Germany. Most branches are in the east. It belongs to the Salling Group, a Danish retail firm.5

Netto supermarket in Denmark
A Netto supermarket (with dog) in Denmark

Netto without the dog

Netto Marken-Discount has around 4,000 branches in Germany.1 It was founded by Spar (a supermarket chain), and taken over by Edeka (another supermarket chain) in 2005.2

Netto supermarket
A Netto supermarket (without dog) in Germany

What is the difference?

Netto (with the dog) has more types of products, including bio options.2 The stores are often bigger.3

Netto (without the dog) is cheaper.4 It’s a competitor to Aldi, Lidl and Penny. The stores are often smaller.3

Sources and footnotes
  1. wunderweib.de, supermarktblog.com 

  2. supermarktblog.com 

  3. blogs.faz.net 

  4. supermarktblog.com, blogs.faz.net 

  5. Netto.de, Wikipedia