How to dispose of a dead animal in Berlin

If you have found a dead animal or need to dispose of the body of a deceased pet in Berlin, here is how to proceed.

Wild animals

Dead animals – especially wild ones – can carry diseases, so you can’t dunk them in the Restmüll and call it a day. Dead wild animals can be reported to the Friedrichshain-Kreuzeberg Ordnungsamt, who will take care of their safe collection and disposal. Contact them by telephone or by email, give them the location of the animal and a way to reach you, and they will handle the rest.

House pets


You cannot bury an animal on public grounds or in a park. You can be fined up to 50,000€ for it. However, you can legally bury your deceased pets on your own property, as long as it’s not in a water conservation area (Wasserschutzgebiet) or right next to a public road or square. You must bury the animal at least 50 centimetres deep.

A pet cemetery (Tierfriedhof) is also an option. Tierschutzverein Berlin and Tierhimmel will bury your best friend. Burial costs 10€ to 350€, depending on the animal’s weight.


There are a few Haustierkrematoriums in Berlin. The prices go from 50€ to 350€, depending on the weight of the animal.


Many veterinarians will dispose of animal bodies, albeit for a fee. Alternatively, SecAnim is contracted by the city to dispose of roadkill and other wild animals. You can call them and they will collect your deceased pets for a fee of 10€ to 30€.

English speaking veterinarians in Berlin