How to make a noise complaint in Berlin

This guide shows you how to deal with noise problems in Berlin.

This includes loud neighbours that ignore quiet hours, construction noise, and noise from businesses.

Talk to each other

Talk the the person who makes the noise, and ask them to stop. It’s sometimes enough.

Contact the Ordnungsamt

The Ordnungsamt will send a police officer to make the noise stop. Usually, they just knock at the door and ask them to stop. If they have to come multiple times, they can give a fine, or confiscate the source of the noise.1 For example, the police can confiscate your neighbour’s sound system.

By telephone

Call the Ordnungsamt’s central point of contact (ZAB), or find your local Ordnungsamt, and call them directly.

How to dial phone numbers


You can file a noise complaint online on the Ordnungsamt’s website.

Click the Meldung button
Click the "Meldung" button

Enter the address of where the noise comes from
Enter the address of where the noise comes from

Select the type of noise
Select the type of noise

Add a description of the problem
Add a description of the problem. If you want the Ordnungsamt to update you later, tick the two boxes.

Enter your email address and your contact information.
Enter your email address. If you want, enter your contact information.

Confirm the information, and send the noise complaint.
Confirm the information, and send the noise complaint.

Tell the Hausverwaltung

If the same neighbour always makes noise, complain to your building management (Hausverwaltung). They will usually notify your neighbour, and if the problem persists, you can get a rent reduction, and they can get kicked out.

If construction noises in your building or near your building disturb you, tell the Hausverwaltung. You can ask for a rent reduction.

Keep a noise log (Lärmprotokoll)

If the noise makes your life hard, keep a noise log (Lärmprotokoll) for at least 2 weeks.2 It helps you ask for a rent reduction.

Use a Lärmprotokoll template or this Android app. Your housing company might have its own template.

Ask for a rent reduction

If there is constant noise where you live, you can get a rent reduction for a “fault in rented property” (Mangel an der Mietsache).

To get a rent reduction, you must prove that the noise is a serious problem.3 This is why you must keep a noise log (Lärmprotokoll).

There are exceptions. Church bells, children playing and car traffic are normal noises.4 If you move near an airport, above a busy street, or next to a bar, you know that it will be noisy. You can’t get a rent reduction for these problems.5

Sources and footnotes



