This calculator helps you choose health insurance in Germany. It tells you how much health insurance costs in 2025, and how to pay less.
Health insurance calculator
before taxes
Public health insurance
You pay the {{ tarifName }} tarif.
Your health insurance has a fixed price.
It's cheaper than the regular tarif.
You pay the minimum price. Your employer does not pay part of your health insurance.
Your health insurance costs a percentage of your income.
Your health insurance costs a percentage of your income.
You make less than per month, so you don't pay for health insurance. Your employer pays for it.
Your health insurance costs a percentage of your income. Your employer pays half of it.
You don't pay the student tarif because you are too old.
You don't pay the student tarif because your income is too high.
Base cost
The base cost is the same with every public health insurer.
You have a minijob, so you pay the minimum price. It's {{ baseContributionPercentage }}% of }}.
You make less than per month, so you pay the minimum price. It's {{ baseContributionPercentage }}% of .
You make more than per month, so you pay the maximum price. It's {{ baseContributionPercentage}}% of .
You make less than , so you pay the midijob tarif. It's cheaper than the normal tarif.
You pay the student tarif; the base cost is a fixed price.
The base cost is {{ baseContributionPercentage }}% of your income.
Insurer surcharge
Health insurers can charge a little more than the base cost. The surcharge (Zusatzbeitrag) is around {{ formatPercent(healthInsurance.avgZusatzbeitrag * 100) }} of your income.
Nursing care insurance
Nursing care insurance (Pflegeversicherung) costs the same with every public health insurer.
You make over per month, so you pay the maximum price.
It costs {{ (pflegeversicherung.surchargeTarif*100).toFixed(1) }}% of your income, because you are over {{ pflegeversicherung.defaultTarifMaxAge }} years old and you don't have children.
It costs {{ (pflegeversicherung.defaultTarif*100).toFixed(2) }}% of your income.
Your employer pays
When you are self-employed, you don't get help from your employer. You pay the full price yourself.
Your employer pays for your health insurance, because you make less than per month.
When you have a minijob, your employer does not pay for your health insurance.
When you are an employee, your employer pays half of your health insurance.
You pay
the maximum price
the minimum price
This is how much you pay every month for public health insurance.
You make more than per month, so you pay the maximum price.
You pay the minimum price, because you make less than per month.
You pay nothing, because you make less than per month. Your employer pays for your insurance.
Private health insurance
The cost depends on your health and age. It could be better and cheaper than public health insurance.
You pay
In your situation, there are ways to get free health insurance.
Free options
ALG I or Bürgergeld
If you get ALG I or Bürgergeld, you don't pay for health insurance. The Agentur für Arbeit pays for it.
Family insurance
If {{ yourSponsorsHave }} public health insurance, it covers you for free. Ask their health insurer.
The cost of public health insurance is a percentage of your income. The cost of private health insurance depends on your age and health condition when you sign up.
How to pay for your health insurance
If you are an employee, health insurance is automatically deducted from your paychecks.