Anmeldung form in English, with instructions

This is the English translation of the official Anmeldung form. Fill this form to register your address in Berlin.

How to do your Anmeldung in Berlin

Fill the Anmeldung form online

Download the Anmeldung form

You can also download the original form and fill it yourself. If you register more than 2 people, fill the form multiple times.

The same form is on

How to fill this form

Use my Anmeldung form filler, it’s easier.

If you fill the form yourself, use these instructions:

  • Tagesstempel: leave this field empty
  • Amtl. Vermerke: leave this field empty
  • Gemeindekennzahl (left column)
    • Die neue Wohnung ist: This column contains information about your new residence
      • Choose alleinige Wohnung if this will be your only residence
      • Choose Hauptwohnung if you will have multiple residences, and this will be your main residence
      • Choose Nebenwohnung if you will have multiple residences, and this will be a secondary residence
    • Tag des Einzugs: Enter your move-in date. If you already moved in, you can write a past date. Use the DD.MM.YYYY date format.
    • Postleitzahl, Gemeinde, Ortsteil: The postal code, municipality and region of your new residence. For example, “10115 Berlin Mitte”.
    • Straße, Hausnummer, Zusätze: The street, house number and door number of your new residence. For example, “Chausseestraße 123, #23”. If the landlord does not want to put your name on the mailbox, add “c/o” or “bei” to your address.1 If you can, write the building, entrance and floor number. – How to write your address
  • Gemeindekennzahl (right column): This column contains information about your previous residence. If your previous address is in another country, just write your country name in “Bei Zuzug aus dem Ausland Staat” field.2
    • Die (letzte) bisherige Wohnung (im Inland) war:
      • Choose alleinige Wohnung if your last residence in Germany was your only residence
      • Choose Hauptwohnung if you will have multiple residences, and your last residence in Germany was your main residence
      • Choose Nebenwohnung if you will have multiple residences, and your last residence in Germany was your secondary residence
      • If this is your first residence in Germany, do not check any box.
    • Tag des Auszugs: Enter the move-out date for your previous residence. If you already moved out, you can write a past date. Use the DD.MM.YYYY date format.
    • Postleitzahl, Gemeinde, Ortsteil: The postal code, municipality and region of your previous residence. For example, “10115 Berlin Mitte”.
    • Straße, Hausnummer, Zusätze: The street, house number and door number of your previous residence. For example, “Chausseestraße 123, #23”. – How to write your address
  • Bei Zuzug aus dem Ausland Staat
    If your last address was in another country, write the country here. Don’t write your previous address.2
  • Wird die bisherige Wohnung beibehalten?
    • Choose Nein if you will not keep your previous residence.
    • Choose Ja, und zwar als if you will keep your previous residence
    • Choose Hauptwohnung if your previous residence will be your main residence
    • Choose Nebenwohnung if your previous residence will be your secondary residence
  • Haben die unten aufgeführten Personen noch weitere Wohnungen in Deutschland?
    • Choose Nein if you do not have any other residences than the ones listed above.
    • Choose Ja if you have other residences than the ones listed above. If you check this box, you must also fill this extra form.
  • Section 1 and section 2: These sections contain information about the people who are registering their address. If you register more than two people, you must fill this extra form.
    • Familienmitglied ist: leave this space empty
    • Familienname, ggf. Doktorgrad, Passname: Your last name, doctoral degrees (e.g. “PhD”)
    • Vornamen: Your first name. If you have multiple first names, underline the name you want to be called.
    • Geburtsname: Your name at birth, if you changed your name.
    • Geschlecht: Your gender. Enter “männlich” for male, “weiblich” for female, or “divers” for other.
    • Tag, Ort, Land der Geburt: Your date, place and country of birth. For example, “23.10.1955, Montreal, Canada”. Use the DD.MM.YYYY date format.
    • Religionsgesellschaft: Enter the religious community you are part of. This information is used to collect the church tax.
    • Staatsangehörigkeiten: Your nationality. For example, “Frankreich” or “Französisch”. You can enter multiple nationalities.
    • Ordens- Künstlername: Religious name, artist’s name or pseudonym. You can leave this field empty.
  • Familienstand: The civil status of person #1 and person #2. Here are the possible answers:
    • Single (Ledig or LD)
    • Married (Verheiratet or VH) – Write the place and date of your marriage.
    • Widowed (Verwitwet or VW)
    • Civil union (Lebenspartnerschaft or LP)
  • Dokumente: During your Anmeldung appointment, you must prove your identity. You need your passport or Personalausweis. This section describes your ID document.
    • Art: The type of document: “RP” for a passport, “PA” for a Personalausweis, or “KP” for a children’s passport. You can use a Personalausweis from another EU country.
    • Name, Vorname: The last name and the first name of the person this document belongs to.
    • Ausstellungsbehörde: The authority that issued this document. For example, “Kanada Botschaft, Berlin”.
    • Seriennummer: The serial number of the ID document. For example, your passport number.
    • Datum: The date the document was issued on. Use the DD.MM.YYYY date format.
    • Gültig bis: The date of expiration of the document. Use the DD.MM.YYYY date format.
  • Datum, Unterschrift […]: The date, and your signature. Use the DD.MM.YYYY date format. Your signature should be the same as on your passport or national ID.

If you register more than 2 people, use multiple forms.

How to send this form

You must get a Bürgeramt appointment and bring the form in person.

How to do your Anmeldung in Berlin

Sources and footnotes

  2. Kathleen Parker at Red Tape Translation (September 2023)