Fill this form to deregister your address in Berlin (Abmeldung). You can send this form to any Bürgeramt in Berlin. You can deliver the form in person, by email, or by registered mail.
How to do your Abmeldung in Berlin
Fill the Abmeldung form online

This tool helps you fill the
Your personal information stays on your computer. No one else can see it.
Your old address
Where did you live? Enter the address that you want to deregister.
Your next address
Where will you live after you leave Germany?
Who is deregistering?
Enter the same information as on your
{{ person.firstName ? `${person.title} ${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}` : `Person #${ index + 1 }` }}
You are almost done!
Print the forms, sign them, and bring them to your Abmeldung appointment.
What to do next
To deregister your address, you must send this form to the Bürgeramt. You can do this by email, by post or in person.
Download the Abmeldung form
You can also download the original form and fill it yourself. If you deregister more than 3 people, fill the form multiple times.
The same form is on
How to fill this form
Use my Abmeldung form filler, it’s easier.
- Bisherige Wohnung / Gemeindekennzahl (left column): information about your last address in Germany. Use the information on your Anmeldebestätigung.
- Tag des Auszugs: Your move-out date. You can deregister 7 days before you move out. You must do it maximum 14 days after you move out.1
- Diese Wohnung hat bereits bestanden: Choose this if you already registered your future address. If you are leaving Germany, choose nein.
- Die bisherige Wohnung war: Choose this if this address was your only address (alleinige Wohnung), your main address (Hauptwohnung) or a secondary address (Nebenwohnung).
- Künftige Wohnung / Gemeindekennzahl (right column): Information about your future address after you leave Germany.
- Weitere Wohnungen: Information about your other addresses in Germany. If you only had one address, leave this section empty.
- Anschrift: Your other addresses in Germany.
- Diese Wohnung war: Choose this if this address was your main residence (Hauptwohnung) or secondary residence (Nebenwohnung).
- Ort, Datum, Unterschrift: The date, the city, and your signature. Use the DD.MM.YYYY date format. Your signature should be the same as on your passport or national ID.
If you deregister more than 3 people, use multiple forms.2
How to send this form
There are two ways to do this:
- Get a Bürgeramt appointment, and go in person. Bring your passport or Personalausweis.
- Mail the form to any Bürgeramt in Berlin. Include a copy of your passport.
How to do your Abmeldung in Berlin