Anmeldung appointment finder

This bot helps you find an appointment to register your address at the Berlin Bürgeramt.

Connecting to the appointment finder…

Checking again in {{ secondsToNextMessage }} {{ secondsToNextMessage > 1 ? 'seconds' : 'second' }}.

Looking for appointments...

Other ways to get a Bürgeramt appointment ➞

Other appointment types

This tool only finds Anmeldung appointments. It can’t find other Bürgeramt or Ausländerbehörde appointments.

This tool makes 1 request every 3 minutes. To find more appointment types, it must make more requests. If it makes more requests, it gets blocked.

There are other ways to find an appointment. You can also run this tool on your computer and look for other appointment types.

How to find a Bürgeramt appointment ➞

How to find an Ausländerbehörde appointment ➞

About this tool

I built this tool in 2022. It’s approved by the city of Berlin. You can learn why I made it, contribute to its development, run it yourself or donate a few euros to support my work.