German unemployment insurance calculator

This calculator shows how much you pay for unemployment insurance (Arbeitslosenversicherung) every month.

The maximum contribution is different in East and West Germany.

per month

What is Ar­beits­lo­sen­ver­si­che­rung?

If you work in Germany, you must pay for unemployment insurance (Arbeitslosenversicherung). Your employer takes unemployment insurance from your paycheck every month. If you lose your job, you get unemployment benefits (ALG I).

How taxes work

How unemployment benefits work

If you are self-employed, unemployment insurance is optional. If you don’t pay for unemployment insurance, you can’t get unemployment benefits.

If you have a minijob, you don’t pay for unemployment insurance, and you can’t get unemployment benefits.

How to calculate Ar­beits­lo­sen­ver­si­che­rung

Arbeitslosenversicherung is 1.3% of your Brutto income.1

Social contributions calculator

If you earn more than (the Beitragsbemessungsgrenze), you pay the maximum amount: 1.3% of 96,600€. You will not pay more than that, even if your income goes up.2

Sources and footnotes
