This calculator tells you if you can get a pension refund, and how much you can get back.
You can't get a pension refund
You can't get a German pension refund because you are a European Union citizen.
You can't get a German pension refund because you are a
You can't get a German pension refund while you live in the European Union. If you leave the European Union, you can get a refund.
You can't get a German pension refund while you live in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia or Turkey.
You can't get a pension refund because you live in Israel. If you move out of Israel, you can get a pension refund.
You can get
You can already apply for a pension refund, because your last pension contribution was over 2 years ago.
You can apply for a refund in {{ monthsUntilEligible }}. That's 2 years after your last pension contribution.
Enter your email to get a reminder in {{ eligibilityDateString }}.
You can't get a pension refund
You can't get a pension refund because you made pension payments for over 60 months. When you are 67 years old, you can receive a German pension.
You can't get a pension refund because you are a UK citizen, and you worked in Germany before Brexit. When you are 67 years old, you can receive a German pension.
You can't get a pension refund because you live in the UK, and you worked in Germany before Brexit. If you leave the UK, you can get a pension refund.
If you move out of Japan, you can ask for a refund.
Reminder set! We will send you an email in {{ monthsUntilEligible }}.
You can pay someone to request your pension refund. They do all the work for you, and transfer the refund to your bank account. — More information
You can apply for a pension refund without help. It's harder, but if you speak German, it's not so bad.
Your pension refund
{{ }} fee
You keep
Request sent! Your pension refund request was sent to {{ }}. They will contact you soon.
An error occured. If this keeps happening, contact me.
How to get your pension payments back
You can request a pension refund yourself, or pay a someone to do it for you. Pension Refund Germany, FundsBack and German Pension Refund can help you get your pension payments back. It’s faster if you hire them, but you must pay a fee for their services.
Pension Refund Germany helps people get their pension refund. You can ask them questions. They will answer in 1 to 3 business days. This is a free service.
Message sent! Pension Refund Germany will contact you today or during the next business day.
An error occured while sending your question. If this keeps happening, contact me.